Employee Relations
Human Resource Services (HRS) believes that our employees are our strength and is committed to serving all employees of the University of Northern Colorado in an ethical, fair, courteous, responsive, and professional manner.
Strategic Inclusion and Diversity Development Initiative
The University of Northern Colorado’s campus-wide diversity initiative aims to foster a campus community that is inclusive and welcoming of diversity in the broadest sense. The initiative is working to build a campus culture that attracts diverse, competent students and employees, values their diversity, treats them with dignity and respect, and promotes their success. It has four primary elements: Climate, Composition, Classroom, Community. Visit the Strategic Inclusion and Diversity Development Initiative website for more information and upcoming events.
Workforce Staffing Report
The purpose of this annual report is to provide data that allow us to monitor macro-level staffing patterns to ensure that staffing outcomes align with our strategic nine Core Plans (see Appendix A), which include academic program growth and development, enrollment, student success, and diversity and inclusion.
The primary source of the headcount data is UNC’s annual Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) staffing report, which is a snapshot of faculty and staff on November 1 of each year. It should be noted that headcounts reported are based on filled positions on November 1, so timing of vacancies contributes to some headcount variances from year to year. Positions are designated as full-time or part-time using the CUPA definition of full-time as .75 FTE or higher. Additional data come from UNC’s annual staffing plans and financial statements.
Fall Staffing Report - Coming Soon
Fall Staffing Report Memo - Coming Soon
It is a violation of University Policy to discriminate in the provision of educational or employment opportunities, benefits, or privileges; to create discriminatory work or academic conditions; or to use discriminatory evaluative standards in employment or educational settings if the basis of that discriminatory treatment is, in whole or part, the person's:
- Race
- Religion
- Gender
- Age
- National origin
- Disability
- Veteran status
- Sexual orientation
- Political affiliation
Title IX and Affirmation Action/Equal Opportunity
- AA/EO Coordinator Training (in Cornerstone)
- Diversity and Affirmative Action
- Title IX
Sexual Harassment
The University prohibits sexual harassment by any faculty, student, staff, invitee, or agent of the University. The University adheres to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's definition of sexual harassment as modified for the University setting. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, living conditions and/or an academic evaluation;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting such individual; or
- Such conduct has the purpose of effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.
- UNC Sexual Harassment Online Training
- Workplace Harassment Training (in Cornerstone) is a mandatory compliance training course all faculty, staff, and student employees must complete within 90 days of hire (or new fiscal year of employment).
- Detailed information regarding Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies can be found in the Board Policy Manual, under section 2-2-201
Employee Relations Programs
Employee Relations Staff
AA/EO Coordinator questions and Classified Employee Relations: Sarah Chase
Faculty/Administrative Exempt Employee Relations: Sarah Chase